HandbagExpress.com is a wholesaler of fashion handbags and accessory products. HandbagExpress.com does NOT sell what has recently come to be recognized as counterfeit products. We do not sell, nor have we ever sold, imitations of fashion originals, exact copies, actual replicas, and certainly not counterfeits of original trademarked or copyrighted fashion products. None of the items on our web site have designer labels or fashion designer logos.
If any company or fashion designer or their representative were to take issue with any item on our web site they would be welcome to contact us directly and we would gladly consider any appropriate action.
HandbagExpress.com is in no way affiliated with, representing, associated, or sponsored by Gucci, Fiore, Ferragamo, Burberry, Prada, JP Tod, Fendi or any other copyrighted or trademarked products. We do not represent our products to be original, nor do we represent that they are exact copies, therefore they do not violate any copyright laws. We simply ask consumers to compare quality, price and style of the above mentioned name brands to ours. Any reference to a brand name is made strictly for comparison.